Admission to practice in the Western District of Kentucky is governed by LR 83.1 and LCrR 57.1. To seek admission to the Western District, the following attorney admission application materials should be submitted to the Court via PACER as described below:
- Application for Admission
- Authorization and Release
- Affidavit and Motion by Sponsor and
- Admission fee of $229.00
The information below describes how to apply, and pay, for admission to the United States District Court for the Western District of Kentucky through PACER. Questions about this process may be directed to the ECF HelpDesk at 1-866-822-8305.
The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky is a NextGen CM/ECF court. In order to request admission to practice, you must have an upgraded individual PACER account. If you do not have an upgraded individual PACER Account, click HERE for procedures. Once you have a PACER Account, follow the steps below to request admission to practice.
For a PDF of these instructions, please click here.
Navigate to
Click Manage My Account
Login upgraded individual PACER account username and password
Click on the Maintenance tab
Select Attorney Admission/E-File Registration
Select U.S. District Courts as the Court Type and Western District of Kentucky as the Court. Click Next.
Click on the two links to review the Electronic Filing Policies and Procedures and the Attorney Admission Policies and Procedures for the Western District of Kentucky.
Select Attorney Admissions and E-File
Complete all five sections of the Attorney Admissions page:
Attorney Bar Information:
- Check one or both boxes to indicate the federal or state courts to which you are admitted.
- Click on the +Add button to select and add the state and/or federal court(s) to which you are admitted.
Sponsoring Attorney:
Enter the required information for one of the attorneys sponsoring you.
Attorney Information
Enter your personal information and acknowledge the admission fee or request a waiver of fees if you are an Attorney Funded from Judiciary Appropriations or an Attorney for the United States.
Document Upload:
Fill out the Application for Admission to Practice located on the court’s website and save to your desktop with all supporting documents.
Click the Upload button, then +Browse to attach each document required by this Court.
Additional Attorney Information Required by Court:
Answer the final questions and click Next.
Complete all sections on the E-File Registration page – this includes Filer Information; Additional Filer Information and Delivery Method and Formatting and click Next.
Note that HTML is the preferred Email Format.
Set default payment information if desired (not required). Click Next when finished, or to bypass this screen. You can add a credit card method for each of the following fee types:
NOTE: The US District Court for the Western District of Kentucky does not accept ACH payments.
Read and check the Acknowledgment of Policies and Procedures for Attorney Admissions box.
Read and check the Attorney E-Filing Terms and Conditions and the Court Policies and Procedures boxes.
Click Submit.
Attorney admission to the Western District of Kentucky requires a $229.00 application fee. The Court will review your application and provide you with further instructions via e-mail and if approved, a link to submit your payment. Attorneys will be admitted to practice before this court upon verification that all attorney admission requirements have been satisfied.