The court uses a combination of court reporters and Electronic Court Recorder Operators (ECROs) to record its proceedings. The order and docket text related to each proceeding should reflect how it was recorded and should include the name of the relevant court reporter or ECRO.
Requests for transcripts, whether for a proceeding reported by a court reporter or recorded by an ECRO, should be submitted to the Court using a Transcript Order Form . How those forms should be submitted to the Court depends on how the order will be paid for and who is placing the order.
Orders for transcripts to be paid for with Criminal Justice Act (“CJA”) funds must be submitted using the Court’s eVoucher system with the form found here. All other transcript orders must be e-mailed or mailed to the points of contact specified below.
Transcript Request for Court Reporter Recorded Proceedings
If you would like to order a transcript and the proceeding was recorded by a court reporter, please contact the relevant court reporter directly as follows:
Becky Boyd -
April Dowell -
Dena Legg -
Terri Horton -
Transcript Request for ECRO-Recorded or Digitally Recorded Proceedings
If you would like to order a transcript and the proceeding was recorded by an ECRO or was digitally recorded, please contact James Vilt at
Parties must understand their responsibility to request redaction of personal identifying information from transcripts that will be filed and made available to the public through the Court's CM/ECF system. For guidance on the judiciary's redaction policy, please review the information available here.
Transcript rates are available here.
A request for a compact disc (CD) containing an audio recording of a proceeding that was digitally recorded can be purchased at a cost of $34.00 for each hearing requested. All requests must be submitted via regular mail or email to by way of a “Request for Compact Disc (CD) of Audio Recording of Court Proceeding.” A separate request form must be completed for each hearing requested.
A CD of audio recordings will be available within five business days following receipt of the request. The clerk’s office will contact you when the CD is ready for pickup. The CD will not be released to the ordering party until payment is made