Please find below a link to an article ran in the Courier Journal, published Oct 8th 2018. Jesse Grider was Clerk of Court from 1977 to 1993
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Please find below a link to an article ran in the Courier Journal, published Oct 8th 2018. Jesse Grider was Clerk of Court from 1977 to 1993
The Eastern and Western Districts of Kentucky have entered Joint General Order 18-02 which revises various provisions of the courts' joint local civil and criminal rules.
RE: Reassignment of Cases
Re: Case Assignment and Reassignment Due to Recusals
RE: Social Security Assignments
The Joint Local Rules Commission for the Eastern and Western Districts of Kentucky has recommended, and the District Court has authorized for release for a period of public comment through July 31, 2018, the revision of certain Joint Local Rules...
WARNING: Jury Scam
Wednesday, January 31st, 2018
In various parts of the United States, including the Western District of Kentucky, citizens are being targeted by phone calls and emails, threatening them with...
Email Scam Targeted at Contract Court Reporters
The Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO) has been advised that some court reporters have received a scam email requesting money as a "settlement" fee...
The District Court will be closed December 25th and 26th as well as January 1st.