WARNING: Jury Scam
Thursday, January 8, 2015
In various parts of the United States, including the Western District of Kentucky, citizens are being targeted by phone calls and emails, threatening them with...
Check this page, or the News and Announcements box on the homepage, for the latest official news and announcements released by the court. You can also access archived news and announcements from this page.
WARNING: Jury Scam
Thursday, January 8, 2015
In various parts of the United States, including the Western District of Kentucky, citizens are being targeted by phone calls and emails, threatening them with...
Due to severe weather, the Louisville, Bowling Green, Owensboro, and Paducah courts are closed on Friday, January 22.
The Eastern and Western Districts have today entered Joint General Order 15-02 which makes several amendments to LR 83.3 and LCrR 57.3.
The Eastern and Western Districts have today entered Joint General Order 15-01 which adopts several changes to the Joint Local Rules that were approved by by the Joint Local Rules Commission at its Fall meeting.
In various parts of the United States, including the Western District of Kentucky, citizens are being targeted by phone calls and emails, threatening them with prosecution for failing to comply with jury service in federal or state courts. In...
With both Judge Greg N. Stivers and David J. Hale having had their Commissions signed by the President, and in order to equalize the Court's docket, Chief Judge McKinley has entered General Order 2014-14 which reassigns a significant number of...